Saddened to hear of the passing of Ronald Searle today at 91. An artist whose work has been and will continue to be a huge inspiration and bring joy to my life. Searle's draughtsmanship was incredible and combined with his outre, dark sense of humour that pushed graphic exaggeration into far-out places produced work that has inspired generations of artists from across fields. I find his drawings as a prisoner of war during world war 2 powerful and moving and his ability to laugh, make ridiculous and celebrate all aspects of mankind a amazing body of work. Tho I have my favourite periods, he is one of those artists whose powers seemed undiminished over time and never stopped producing memorable images.
R. I. P.
I never got to meet him but a treasured item that I posted earlier is this note from him and a champagne cork that my friend Matt Jones got for me during one of his visits with him. Thanks Matt.

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