My revamped and updated website DRAZEN KOZJAN.COM is up. Its been a bit buggy in some browsers, especially Internet Explorer ( tho I believe its been fixed ) so if anyone is experiencing problems please me let me know if you like. The News and Shop sections are still under construction but everything else should be up and thanks for looking! The site was put together by my old and talented friend Steve Jelliman.
Monday, June 11, 2007
I'd like to thank Michael for his nice words about The Happy Undertaker and inviting me to be a feature artist this week over at Jewcy and joining the other fine talent over there.
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Sketch from this mornings bike ride.
Friday, June 08, 2007
Met up with Arna Selznick and Mike Smukavic for some sketching at the Royal Ontario Museum and seeing its revamped crystal wing. Well unfortunately they've installed a " no sketching with anything any but a pencil" policy, something that never existed before and after some arguing we decided to just wander around outside and sketch under a tree. After we worked through our anger by drawing horrible caricatures of JVB as a authoritarian ROM securtiy guard (just kidding there JVB:-)) we grabbed a quick bite to eat and caught up. Didn't get too much done but what there was is below except a sketch of Mike's foot which I decided not to post after long and hard sole searching. I have to say that Mike's head was not this crispy but it offered a nice spot of colour for me.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
From a great book on caricature called "Is That Me?" by William Auerbach-Levy. Love this guys work.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Yesterday Alison, our friend Jennifer and myself had a garage sale. Amongst the hurly burly of selling my old VHS copies of The Doll Squad and Killers Kiss (don't worry I have DVD copies now) and Alisons fondue pots I spent some time drinking coffee and drawing unflattering sketches of our customers. It was a beautiful day and we had a lot of fun and got to know some neighbours we hadnt met yet ( even after 4 years in the neighborhood)
the fellar on the right below is the proud new owner of Killers Kiss, Mask of Fu Manchu, The Invisible Ray and some other great 30's horror movies.
Neigborhood resident, cartoonist and buddy Serge G. stopped by too point out some animation trivia to anyone who would listen.
We celebrated our new found wealth with pizza and beers on the porch in the evening and some Bobby Gentry and The Coffin Daggers on stereo. ahhhh a wonderful saturday friends and neighbours!